St. Patrick’s Methodist Church Newsletter
December 2020
Services in December
6th: Communion. Please remember to bring your own bread and juice.
13th: Confirmation service
20th: Dedication of Ken’s memorial
24th: 7 pm Christmas Eve service
25th: 10.30 am Christmas day service
27th: No service
31st: 10.45 pm New Year’s Eve service
Christmas Services
Because of regulations, we are only allowed to have 50 people in the church. So to make sure that everyone can have the chance to attend a Christmas service, we are holding two this year. One on Christmas Eve and one on Christmas day. From Sunday the 6th to Sunday the 20th, after the service, you will get the chance to collect a ticket for the service that you choose to go to. There will be 50 tickets for each service. Bring your tickets to church on the 24th or the 25th.
Gift Day
If you did not get a chance to return your October Gift day envelope,
please do so when you come to church. You can also bring it to Rev. Sahr’s house.
Prayer Requests
Please bring any needs and concerns to Rev.
Sahr so that we can pray for each other.
Monthly Teams
Team Splendour will serve us in December.
The team members are:
John Godfrey, William Smith, Joy Egbon, Alana Edwards, Bongu family,
Ben Oben and family, Fred Oben, O’Mahoney family, Natalie Tamen and family,
Miengue family, Young family, Bekei family, Nkengfack family.
Even though we have four teams who will serve us during the year, we are one body in Christ, and therefore one team. If any team is experiencing a problem on Sunday, for example, they do not have any members there to fulfil one of their responsibilities, then members of the congregation may be called upon to help their brothers and sisters.
Rev. Dr Sahr Yambasu
Mobile: 087 6699251
Church committee members
Alexandre Baizoukou, Immaculate Eddy, Dimakatso Neria Edeh, Joy Egbon, Tom Hosford, Emmanuel Kamara, Helen McCormick, Delphine Miengue, Suzie Oben, Celleste O’Mahoney, William Smith, Lucas Vandi, Rev. Dr Sahr Yambasu